Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oh yeah, I have a blog....

Hmm, seems I've been unwilling to regularly post something, and while writing on here has been in the back of my mind for the past month, I was just never in the mood.

So here I'm forcing myself to write to get back into the habit, even though my day stunk and I'm currently not doing too great in a few of my classes and I have a headache and I'm grumpoz and one of the heaters in my room is really noisy and is making this annoying boiling liquid sound and even though it's been set to zero, meaning that it should stop, it just keeps making that noise, and it's getting REALLY irritating and I'm probably about to snap any second.

So looks like things are goin' my way!

Anywho, I don't want this to be a whiny bitch blog, so I'll try not to dwell on how annoying this heater is.

Things of interest as of late:
1.) Remember Stephanie from Full House? No? Well she came to campus for an inspirational lecture and inside look at her life post-Full House. Naturally, I didn't go, but I was in my horrible psych lab and some girl was telling another girl about it, and she was like "Yeah, I saw Jodie Sweetin, you know from Full House?" and the other girl was like "What'd she do?" and the other girl was like "Oh, she talked about how she was hooked on drugs and it ruined her life." and the other girl thought that was hilarious.
2.)I got an e-mail last week from my dad with the title "my brush with fame". So my interest was piqued and it wasn't one of his normal "I'm all business" e-mails about me not doing something I should be doing, so I opened and found there was a picture attachment. And the picture was of him sitting at an outdoor table at a restaurant in Philly and Sarah Palin is there, shaking hands with my dad's friend Bob. Needless I didn't expect that. Also, I hate Sarah Palin (:wink:). Apparently they talked about Alaska. BIG SURPRISE.
3.)Dan Bull-man tells me that Take 10, the only genuinely good place to eat on Duquesne's stupid campus (the other options being the OK Options, the awful Towers, and the hideously unmentionable vomit-inducing death-trap known as the Off-Ramp) was closed down! The poor people that worked there (who probably got underpaid as is) are now probably out of jobs, roaming the streets of Pittsburgh, a numbing hunger in their stomachs that can never be replenished, freezing from the harsh wind, killing in the night. I guess Duquesne was all "Let's cut the food budget so we can pay for more crucifixes!" I can't stress how much I'm happy to be out of that place and out of the grasp of that horrible alien Jesus. Dan also told me there was a Duquense blanket that had Duq "landmarks" on it and one of them was the scary Jesus. Can you imagine someone snuggling up with that horrid thing? Having sex? Duqsgusting.
4.) It was freezing in Whitney for so long, and now they turn on the heaters and my room has one that makes hideous noises. Fantastic.
5.) I broke my own rule and mentioned the heater. Whatev.
6.) I got nothin'

Get outta ma face!


Unknown said...

that was adorable.
I'm positively DELIGHTED that you know someone who knows someone who shook hands with Sarah Palin. For some reason that fills me with glee.
And I also am gleeful at the fact that you almost had a brush with an ex meth-addict/full house superstar.

also, i'm sorry your heater is bubbly and irritating. if i was there, I'd pick a fight with you and our screaming at each other would drown it out. :)

I hope you can site me in your next blog, because I'm WAY more full of sweet info than that horrible Bull/man.


Anonymous said...


This is Derek, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going through a very similar heater related problem in my room. I have a metal pipe right next to my bed and every morning at like 7AM it get really hot and starts making really loud clicking and banging sounds. Hopefully this makes you feel better about your heater problem, but I don't really see how it would. Anyway, maybe you should try talking to your RA or something, they might call a maintenance person or something, I don't know...

Dan said...

gotta get them grades up, boy, or dad will be sending you a lot more of those "I'm all business" e-mails.